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Based on your group size, our cookie dough fundraiser won’t be a good fit but…

Better options await:

Top 3 Best team fundraisers


$10,000 estimated profit

Pledj is crowdfunding but supercharged

Pledj is a crowdfunding platform that provides a new and improved way to fundraise for your cause. It is designed to help volunteer-run organizations succeed in less time. 

Pledj is much more profitable than traditional fundraising methods like raffles and other sports fundraisers, plus it offers unlimited earning potential. 

We are so confident in the success of Pledj that we even offer to double the refund of your activation fee. 

If you’re committed to achieving your fundraising goals but have limited time, Pledj is the perfect solution.

Why Pledj is a better fundraiser

Using Pledj, your fundraiser has the potential to raise not just hundreds but thousands of dollars.

Expand your selling territory and imagine the entire United States as your area.

Make use of social media and add a “share” button to your fundraiser’s page to spread the word quickly. Studies have shown that accepting credit card payments can double your sales.

By providing the convenience of credit card transactions, you can encourage more people to donate to your cause.

How Pledj works;
1. Click the green button below to pay.

2. We contact you immediately and begin creating your account, shareable link and QR.
3. Start receiving donations via your link by texting or social sharing.
4. Watch donations come pouring in effortlessly.

ACT NOW and will refund you double the amount of your activation fee. *conditions required

Scratch card bundle

$5000 profit

Bogo for teams


Buy 25 scratch cards and get 25 FREE scratch cards. Receive a total of 50 scratch cards. Completed scratch cards will bring in $5000 in cash.

How it works
1. Each scratch card has 50 “scratch off” places. Beneath the scratch off, a dollar amount will be revealed. The amounts range from $.50 to $3.00

2. Your participants will politely ask friends, neighbors and relatives if they would like to donate to your cause by “scratching off” a donation.
3. When the scratch card is completely “scratched”, it will generate $100 in donations.
4. On the back side of the card, participants keep track of the donations and turn in money to their group leader when completed.

Scratch card bundle

$5000 profit

Bogo for teams


Buy 25 scratch cards and get 25 FREE scratch cards. Receive a total of 50 scratch cards. Completed scratch cards will bring in $5000 in cash.

How it works
1. Each scratch card has 50 “scratch off” places. Beneath the scratch off, a dollar amount will be revealed. The amounts range from $.50 to $3.00

2. Your participants will politely ask friends, neighbors and relatives if they would like to donate to your cause by “scratching off” a donation.
3. When the scratch card is completely “scratched”, it will generate $100 in donations.
4. On the back side of the card, participants keep track of the donations and turn in money to their group leader when completed.

Cookie dough by pallet

$3040 profit

Important info

Each 2lb tub makes 64 half ounce cookies. Cookie dough is safe when thawed up to 2 weeks after arriving making it easy to manage. Retains great quality in freezer up to 12 months and fridge up to 6 months.

Cost breakdown

304 tubs x’s $20 (retail selling price) = $6080

Cost to you = $3040

Total NET profit = $3040
($10 profit per tub or 50% profit)

Shipping is free or discounted in most states (ask for details)

Suggested fundraising strategy:
1. Place your order for cookie dough. It will be shipped to you within 2 weeks.
2. Once the cookie dough arrives, divide the total number of cookie doughs (304) by the number of players on your team. This will give you an ideal goal for each player to sell. To be conservative, you can divide the total amount in half and give each player that amount to sell.
3. Allow 5-7 days for the players to turn in the money they have collected from selling the cookie dough.

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